Hitzee is a multiplayer gaming platform - powered by
the players requesting the next number from Wonngle.
We call this new method of play ‘next number gaming’
This new method of play allows the players to formulate strategies
by using skill to time their Hits! Which will help them to claim the
required winning numbers to win the games.
Hitzee consists of 3 weekly contest games
Each week, players have the opportunity to compete in the 3
leaderboard style contest games
1. Hitzee Main Event.
2. Hitingo
3. Wonderwall
Players receive free game cards every week plus an initial 100
game credits when downloading the application
Real-time leaderboards are available to keep players on their toes
throughout the week, and the Hitzee Hall of Fame will keep tallies
of all-time winners and record breakers.
Hitzee will revolutionize online gaming by introducing the concept
of next number gaming. Hitzee’s creators expect players to
quickly develop strategies for strengthening their abilities to get
better numbers from the next number generator. Other features of
the platform, such as the “Bonus Buddy” system, are also firsts in
the market that are anticipated to make a big impact on the way
players look at online gaming.
Hey lets do less talking and more downloading - Go grab your 100
free game credits and be one of the first to discover probably the
most innovative gaming experience of the 21st century.
ENJOY & GOOD LUCK - Team Hitzee