Fun52-400 beta 0.1费流量吗游戏攻略
400 - Arba3meyeh, is the famous Arabic game of 52 cards.
This edition is a trial version with an extraordinary artificial intelligence and a very simple graphic. It allows beginners to learn this game and progress quickly.
Try it and you'll adopt it over.
The following versions will include other games and variants: Tarneeb, Hand, 400 - Arba3meyeh, Leekha (spades), Jawaker, etc ... With the possibility to play online with your friends.
The 400 is played at 4. At first, each player must announce the number of folds he thinks to reach (BID) during this round with his partner. The team that reaches the first 41 points wins.
提起《决斗英雄》(Duelyst)可能不少玩家会有些陌生,其实该作早在2015年就已曝光且来头可不小。游戏由开发商Counterplay Games制作,该团队由曾开发《暗黑破坏神3》及《拉捷特与克拉克》(Ratchet & Clank)、《Rogue Legacy》等作品的业界资深开发者组成。早前,开发商表示该作将在今年第一季度推出,而今游戏已开启限时Beta测试。