The magical world of maths..!!
It’s a mathematics learning educational application for the kids, with the help of this new technology maths can be fun learning never before for kids, this technique of learning help child to engage and enjoy learning which will turn there learning hours into happy hours.
Maths Magica (E-learning) expressions which include all digital technology
based on distance teaching and learning processes, refer to a phenomenon that has gained increasing significance and impacts on school education like kindergarten.
Maths Magica education combines content in formats which vary including
creative visuals, audio in the background, animated simulations, and so on depending on the specific educational aims in question.
Given teaching methodologies that are keeping in mind with the social ethos of the internet, and, hence, are effective, engaging, and equipped to shape study to a student’s needs.
1) Mathematics can be fun learning for small kids with Maths Magica.
2) Help your child develop early Maths skill by using Maths Magica.
3) The child will learn with key skills of Maths like number Sense, representation, spatial sense, Measurement, Estimation, Patterns, and Problem Solving.
The app contains 10 Interactive cards we gave a link in below of 1 interactive card free for interaction download it and be amused.