Snakerio Slither Worms & Snakes Mask War费流量吗游戏攻略
Best Angry Slither Worm – Top Clash Snake Game - SNAKER IO !!
Eat all the other venom snakes and angry earthworms to grow as big as possible. Now you can have heroes, flags, emojis mask or different skin on your venom snake. Use your favorite heroes mask or different skin colors on your worm. Use the mask of a dog, cat, Mexican hat, pork, or even fantastic creatures and strong heroes.
Clash Snake Game IO with masks – Rush Online
To play you need to eat the rest of worms and snakes to grow. Make them to rush into you and they will explode. Eat the color balls and grow the longest snakes you are be able to be. Rush to eat other snakes or angry earthworms online to show who is the king.
More than 50 Funny masks, skins and mobs for your worm and snakes!!
Slithering edition online with different venom snakes. Eat all the color balls to grow big enough and attack the others. There is nowhere you can run or hide from your enemies.
Slither Worm IO Features
• Slither Leaderboard
• Smooth Controls
• 50+ Hats & Masks of Heroes
• Turbo Speed Button
• Incredible Music
• Engaging Gameplay
• Social Media Sharing
• Revive Your Snake with Extra Life’s
Become the biggest snake rush in all time !!
Fun Arcade Game for Google Play
⬇ Download it Now!!! ⬇
12月8日到10日,WUCG世界大学生电子竞技联赛总决赛在山东济南举行。大赛首日,知名游戏发行商咸鱼游戏现场公布签约由梦加网络研发的创新型RTS竞技手游《War Clash》,并宣布该产品将加入WUCG电竞联赛体系,同时邀请电竞明星——前《魔兽争霸3》世界冠军SKY李晓峰、前DOTA世界冠军伍声2009、前《英雄联盟》世界冠军若风参与试玩表演。
电竞冠军试玩RTS竞技手游《War Clash...
《Dragon War》力量型武将推荐
乱石穿空惊涛拍岸,昆仑游戏推出的次世代动作手游《Dragon War》,以全新的视角解读群雄争霸的年代。谋臣武将粉墨登场,各自身怀绝技,属性不尽相同。以下,小编就来和大家分享游戏中战力逆天的力量型武将。
20XX年,人类迎来了和平年代,各地都流行着模拟战争的游戏——War Race。
比旧时代的“真人CS”更有趣的是,War Race的参赛者们可以临时建造多种多样的四维道具,模仿各种充满想象力的战争现场。参赛者来自各行各业:学生,建筑工人,女护士,漫画家,黑客……他们带上自己得心应手的四维道具,驰骋在城市、公园、游戏中心等赛场,在游戏中,他们放下自己的身份地位,拿起了手中的狙击枪、散弹枪、火箭炮...