Blue Helicopter费流量吗游戏攻略
- Blue Helicopter Game is 100% free and everything inside is free .
- We only use advertisements which is the only source of income for the GCP-ENJOYMENT brand .
- The Blue Helicopter game is designed with high precision, combining simplicity, beauty and fun .
- Within the game there are 16 levels and each level is more beautiful than the previous one .
- There are five weapons you can use in the game by collecting coins .
- There are also three aircraft you can use to finish all levels successfully .
- Finally we hope that the game will impress you and we are doing our best to offer you the most beautiful .
- Wait for new versions of this game soon As God wanted .
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今天,发行商E-Line Media宣布,旗下海洋探索游戏《Beyond Blue》将于明年(2019年)年初登陆PC和主机,该作由《永不孤单》制作者和BBC工作室联合制作。游戏支持简体中文。