Blue Orange Companion费流量吗游戏攻略
Blue Orange is a board game and "hybrid" game publisher. Download our companion app to enhance your gaming experience.
You have to save the world, and quickly! Work together to guide this brave, rolling knight through this turbulent adventure which is lined with twists and traps!
Add even more suspense to the adventure by downloading this app. Each map must be finished within a set amount of time. If the knight doesn’t make it to the end in time, he loses a life. In that case, the knight must be put back to the map’s start position and all the components put back in their original place. The game can then restart by resetting the timer. If the knight makes it to the end of the last map of the chosen game mode with at least one remaining life, the game is won!
炉石传说Orange黑骑士中速猎分享 比赛克制慢速 在目前的中欧比赛中,欧洲大神Orange目前以四战全胜的战绩几乎提前已锁定小组出线,下面小编就来分享一套他比赛卡组,克制慢速黑骑士猎人!
炉石传说低价高效蓝白中速猎分享 四月平民传说
Orange传说25节奏战,取名叫做girl power 女拳力量
顾名思义,整套卡组的核心卡,卡面全是女性, 暗示了NQ主义的觉醒...
炉石传说Orange派洛斯奥秘法分享 中欧8强卡组 中欧小组赛已全部结束,明日开打8强决赛。目前,8强卡组已都公布,不少选手都换用了新思路,欧洲大神Orange用下面的奥秘法替换了麦迪文法,一起来看看!