Sewing of school clothes game girls费流量吗游戏攻略
Well, no longer wondering, that this tailoring game permits you to make that occur. Your work is to discover the items you require for the stitching and measuring then begin the actual work. Produce the uniforms for all these women and be sure that you meet each job. You're even aligning the accessories for a complete look.
I remember how much I hate my uniform back in the days where I was in school, but no one ever asked me how I would like to look in it. This is why this tailor game approach some girls in order to get the perfect look for a new uniform in their highschool. The girls are ready to help and besides the fact that you are going through a fashion challenge you will also be asked to gain or even improve your detective abilities. The things you will be using at sewing and measuring are hidden in your shop. The only one that is able to find them in time is you and you really need them to be able to perform in the next steps. Search the entire place and find them. Next phase is the one that include the clothing tailoring, so follow the instructions given and make a beautiful design for the uniforms. The girls will be pleased to know that you take in account their opinion. Crop, sew and put together all the materials needed to create a modern girl uniform. Pick the elements you like the most and then go to the accessories to tailor out the ultimate details. Be creative and use anything that will make this costume look better. Find the best combination and keep testing your tailor skills so you could become a great designer and fashion consultant as well.
There are a lots of great features this game is able to provide and you could see a brief description of them below:
- Free and easy to play
- Seek and find abilities
- Cool procedure to execute
- New things to learn about the whole tailoring job
- Cute uniform to sew and design
- Multiple accessories to use
- Pretty interface and good soundtrack
- Possibility to have 2 games in one
- Ensure a new refreshing look for these highschool girls
- Develop skills in the fashion designing area
Girls High School tailor is a designer of unique dresses and decorating games for girls. Uniform clothing manufacturer crazy! Remember how much you hate my costume at the time I was in high school. This free online girls' tailoring game brings trendy fashionistas to the perfect look for a new uniform with a shirt, scarf, skirt and designer shoes in their high school. The students are ready to help you, and besides taking on a fashion designer challenge, you will also be invited to acquire or even improve your playing skills for making uniforms at the high school girls' tailor. . Take measurements, choose a dress pattern, use a sewing machine to sew and decorate clothes in this service.
As a professional stylist and costume designer! Follow the instructions given to make custom dresses with these sewing games. The girls at the school will be happy to know that you have designed and decorated all the uniform dresses made according to their requirements. Crop, cut, sew and assemble all the garment materials needed to create a modern girl's uniform on the sewing machine. Choose the bespoke items you love most, then craft, design and knit the best dress of your life. Show off your creative talents and use everything that will make this fairy costume decoration fit in with the beauty of little high school girls. Continue to test your bespoke skills to become a great fashion designer and virtual consultant in this bespoke game for girls.
1.如果卡关了,请去最开始的房间看电视,广告过后会出现提示,精确的提示其实是需要看下面的字 幕的,字幕采用的是日语的谐音字谜,比如有个提示是看照片背面,“写真”就用了同音的“射真” ,还有写ga、wa假名罗马音之类的,总之,念出来就懂了,当然要是一点日文不懂,看看图像也是好 的,会告诉你东西的大致方位。
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