Quizly: TV Shows费流量吗游戏攻略
Do you know who poisoned Joffrey? What is Ross scared of? What was Walter's White nickname?
Test your knowledge in your favorite TV Shows, earn points, complete achievements and try to get to the first position in leaderboard that prove you're the best in the world. It's the best Quiz you'll ever play.
We offer most popular TV Shows and we constantly adding more and more quizzes. So stay tuned, because in next update you can get a surprise! Every quiz have 7 rounds and every round have one question with 4 options to choose. Only one answer is correct. You can earn coins only once, choosing right answer for a first time. Also, you can earn extra 50 coins, if you answer on all questions correctly in a row. So there is a lot to win! And it's not the end. After correctly finishing every level, you can win an interesting and fun facts about your favorite TV Shows, so you'll be able to learn something more about that show than it's story ;). Quizly is the best TV Shows quiz on the internet, we check every question twice before put it into the game. But - everyone make mistakes. If you think, that in some questions in our quiz are inccorrect, feel free to report those question at the end of a level. We will carefully check it again :)
Don't we have a TV Show you love? Don't be shy and send it to us using in game 'Suggest' option! You can be sure we'll include it in next updates :) Also, you can create your own questions and let them be part of the game, so players from the whole world can answer them.
We are planning to add multiplayer mode and survival mode, where you can try yourself with other players and test your knowledge in even harder way.
We hope you'll enjoy it, TV freaks! :)
战术大师 CFPL联赛SV港口进攻调虎离山计,CFPL S10赛季目前排名第一的SV战队,不但选手枪法刚硬,战术打法也非常细腻,选手之间的配合运用更是达到了炉火纯青的地步。上一轮对阵情久,SV又是2:0大比分取胜,在港口地图的进攻上,SV依靠强大的战队执行力打出的一套调虎离山的战术,这里与大家一起解析一下。