Evolve Brain Games and Cognitive Training Lite费流量吗游戏攻略
Evolve is a cognitive training app, with minigames designed to train your mind. Evolve is divided into six areas, reaction, logic, memory, concentration, language and multitasking.
Evolve sets up exercising sessions for you, taking you through one mini game focusing on each of the areas. Helping you improve your logical thinking, reaction time, memory, concentration, language skills and multitasking ability. Completly free!
Evolve's minigames are designed to be simple to understand, fun, and enjoyable while still allowing you to feel your brain working. Evolve's goal is to make improving your cognitive abilities easy, fun and cheap!
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《脑力风暴 Brain It On》是一款十分有趣的关卡型物理解谜游戏。游戏中,需要你发挥想象力解答看似单纯其实非常困难的问题。有自信的话就来挑战吧!几十关有趣难题,还有更多关卡将不断更新。快来和你的小伙伴比比看,谁解开的谜题多,下载试试吧!《脑力风暴 Bra...
脑力风暴brain it on第40关怎么过,脑力风暴brain it on第40关图文通关攻略,下面和九游小编一起来看看吧!
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