Shoot the Bullet费流量吗游戏攻略
Sumérgete en esta increíble aventura pasando por diferentes mundos disparando como loco rápidamente y destruyendo a enemigos que te encontrarás en tu camino!
Lait un ojo cualquiera disfruta de la compañía de su amada pareja, Mait, (sí, sabemos que nos quebramos la cabeza inventando el nombre de su pareja) es atacado por su peor enemigo, Kroid,el cual le roba a su amada, Lait se siente triste por no saber que hacer y decide recuperarla atravesando diferentes obstaculos.
¡Demuestra tu destreza y habilidad!
Immerse yourself in this incredible adventure by going through different worlds shooting like mad quickly and destroying enemies that you will find in your way!
Lait any eye enjoys the company of his beloved partner, Mait, (yes, we know that we broke the head inventing the name of his partner) is attacked by his worst enemy, Kroid, which steals his beloved, Lait He feels sad for not knowing what to do and decides to recover it by going through different obstacles.
Show your skill and ability!
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