Bagatur Css Eg wt GUI tckfs styl费流量吗游戏攻略
This is the Bagatur Chess Engine with own GUI (Graphic User Interface). The program has different levels (beginner-expert) from 1 to 16. From level 5, it shows the search information. The AI is tuned against Stockfish chess engine using neural network (perceptron with 1 layer). The ELO rating is about 2700 and the program has unique playing style. Supports different color palettes and chess pieces sets for different tastes.
1. Moving by drag and drop as well as by selecting from and to squares.
2. Incorporated chess engine Bagatur.
3. Supports different color palettes and chess pieces sets for different tastes.
Why playing chess?
Playing chess game is extremely helpful, because it develops and increases several mind capabilities like:
1. Analytical skills
2. Memory
3. Strategic thinking
4. Concentration level
5. IQ
6. Patterns recognition
7. Many others
Your feedback and/or review is more than welcome.
九游和大家讲解《DOTA2》中国超级锦标赛6月6日淘汰赛EG VS OpTic第一场
完美世界与PGL联合举办的DOTA2超级Major,是所有分站赛中积分最高的一站,supermajor小组赛于今日在上海开战,小编为大家带来了EG VS OpTic比赛战报,错过直播的小伙伴一起来看看吧
【选边:】Evil Geniuses...
九游和大家讲解《DOTA2》中国超级锦标赛6月4日淘汰赛EG 2-0 Spirit赛后速报
完美世界与PGL联合举办的DOTA2超级Major,是所有分站赛中积分最高的一站,supermajor小组赛已经全部结束,淘汰赛已经开始,小编为大家带来了淘汰赛EG VS Spirit比赛战报,错过直播的小伙伴一起来看看吧