Wargam Krsu 1944费流量吗游戏攻略
Korsun 1944 saw two Soviet fronts surround several German divisions on the Eastern Front. It was to be a mini-Stalingrad, but this time the pocket was rescued by powerful panzer forces and broke out.
In this wargame you can play either the Axis or Soviet side. The Soviets attempt to surround and destroy Axis forces, while the Axis attempt to escape.
Game features:
* Accurate order of battle to Division level
* Panzers, Cavalry, Infantry, Supply
* Weather effects - Snow becomes mud
* A series of options to strengthen or weaken either side
* Three different AI opponents
曾在去年因资金不足而开启众筹的二战题材FPS《Battalion 1944》,继成功筹集到31.7万英镑之后,游戏的开发商Bulkhead Interactive在最近宣布,他们已经成功找到了发行商——Square Enix。也就是说,这款游戏应该在不久之后就能顺利上市了。
在此之前,Bulkhead Interactive曾在2016年发行制作过一款冒险解密游戏《The Turing Test...