Dam Daman费流量吗游戏攻略
Ini adalah permainan klasik yang dimainkan dengan dua orang saja, dalam permainan ini terdapat garis garis Vertikal dan Horizontal dan Garis Menyilang, pada setiap penain terdapat 20 Poin biji
Aturan Main :
Anda harus sebanyak mungkin menghabisi lawan dengan cara melangkahinya, Anda bisa berjalan Kesegala arah asalkan melewati Garis, jika Anda lupa Melangkahi target yang harusya dimakan maka Lawan Anda berteriak DAAAAM!. dan lawan akan mengambil 3 biji poin milik anda
This is a classic game that is played with only two people, in this game there are Vertical and Horizontal lines and Crossing Lines, in each game there are 20 Seed points
Rules :
You have to finish off your opponent as much as possible by stepping over, you can walk in all directions as long as you pass the line, if you forget to step over the target that you should eat then your opponent shouts DAAAAM !. and your opponent will take 3 points of your own