Jeepers Worlds Tower Defense Save the Princess费流量吗游戏攻略
[16 Brand New Levels!!! Now with Game Engine Re-Write and Complete Graphics Overhaul]
Tower Defense like you've never seen! This game is a true masterpiece. With special PowerUps, Achievements, Cheat Codes, Secret Weapons and mysterious powers, you'll find yourself coming back to play again and again. The levels are artistically beautiful and cleverly crafted to be a delightful enjoyment over and over again. The sound track will be stuck in your mind. We promise. :)
The Jeepers! are back and in full force. King Jeeper! has a whole new army and he's come to attack Bit-Topia! You're the hero that's come to the rescue to save the princess trapped in the castle. Save the princess once and for all!
This is the latest installment of our Jeepers! game series and is, by far, the most beautiful and advanced. Whether you're a first time Jeepers! player, or you're coming back for more, you'll agree that this game is DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT.
Jeepers! Improvements:
- Graphics Overhaul
- Special PowerUps
- Secret Weapons
- Achievements and Surprises
- Cheat Codes
- Bug fixes
- Artificial Intelligence Engine
- So much more....
《Bubble Tower HD》是一款休闲益智游戏,玩法上很像小时候玩的积木,但是玩家在游戏中不是叠积木,而是要考验你拆积木的技巧。玩家要想办法将积木给抽离,让在顶端的蓝色方块顺利地掉到底端的绿色平台上才可以通关。
国内某游戏巨头已取得《Tower of Odin》(中文译名:奥丁之塔)的代理权,奥丁之塔将于近期登陆中国,各位玩家敬请期待。 《Tower of Odin》是一款复合类型塔防手机游戏,这款游戏融合了社交与策略属性。玩家在游戏中不仅能体验到塔防布局的乐趣,还能够体验卡牌收集、英雄养成、激烈PVP对战、以及类似COC般入侵朋友的塔来掠夺资源的快感。
图为《Tower of Odin》登陆页...