WIFi Biplanes费流量吗游戏攻略
- up / down - raise / lower the nose of the aircraft
- plus / minus - increase / decrease the speed of the aircraft
- sight icon - shot
- parachute icon - jump out of an airplane / open a parachute
Available game modes:
- training against three levels of bots
- multiplayer for two players via one Wi-Fi network *
* To play through multiplayer, players' smartphones must be on the same Wi-Fi network.
You can also play through the created mobile Wi-Fi hotspot.
1) One of the players must create a server and tell their IP address to the second player.
2) Next, the second player can connect to the specified IP-address, after which the game will automatically start if everything is done correctly.
一年一度的中秋节如期而至,望着天上皎洁的圆月,你会想起十年前打拼传奇的岁月? 也许今日不能点百盏灯,也许再也没有意味深长的邂逅,但至少猜灯谜的趣味依然在
快来大家一起猜灯谜,本帖回复答案全部正确(这么简单的问题,就不要问度娘了),就送随身wifi 和 限量版《决战沙城》至尊礼包 下面来答题吧
还在为手机流量不够用而忧心吗?《烈焰遮天》送您随身wi-fi,以及6G流量卡,助你玩转二测!现在,只要在二次删档内测开启前,每天在本帖中回复进行签到,即有可能获得HUAWEI E8131 Wi-Fi猫以及U点奖励。此外,传闻二测将于6月26号开启哦?你信不信呢?反正我信了!
目前发现UC专服部分玩家出现了使用wifi无法进入游戏的情况,目前技术哥哥正在紧急 修复问题,正在游戏内的玩家不受影响。如您无法使用wifi登陆,可以尝试使用3G或4G网络登陆游戏。