Spy Game费流量吗游戏攻略
A new party game that everyone can enjoy !
Equipped with more than 300 themes !
【Player】 4~8
【Playing time】 ~ 30 minutes
【Game description】
Players are assigned to Master , common people and Spy respectively .
Even if there are 4 people , 5 people , ... 8 people , the Master and the Spy are 1 each , and others are common people .
Master and Spy will see theme when roles are given .
If the roles are given , It is a time to start a game .
The game has three sections: [Question] , [Discussion] , and [Voting] .
The players will ask the Master a question within a time limit of 5 minutes , /and will get the theme by relying on the answer to the question from Master .
Of course , Spy know the theme . also, Spy join as questions .
Let's lead to the theme well so as not to be considered as a Spy .
If it failed in time , all players will be defeated.
If you are a Spy , be careful not to fail here.
If successful, we will move on to the 【Discussion section 】.
The time to discuss will be given the time you used in the questions section .
For example , if the question section succeeds in two minutes , you have two minutes to talk .
All players discuss who is the spy , using the questions and answers in the questions section as a clue .
Please point at who is the spy and select the player with the most votes from the phone .
The result will be displayed .
If you overlook the spy, it is the victory of the master and the common people.
If you choose a different person from the spy, the spy will win alone.
Samsara Game是一款很好玩的冒险类游戏,很家有一些关卡过不去,不知道通关技巧,小编整理了Samsara Game全关卡视频通关攻略,有需要的小伙伴可以看一下,希望可以帮助到大家。
Samsara Game第四关拥有三个梯形方块,通关肯定与这三个梯形方块有关,我们该如何使用好这些道具,下面一起和九游小编来看看Samsara Game第四关图文攻略。
Samsara Game全关卡图文攻略
Samsara Game第四关图文攻略
Samsara Game第二关相比第一关还是有一定难度的,很家就卡在了第二关,下面小编给大家详细介绍一下通关技巧,有需要的小伙伴可以参考一下,说不定看完就能通关了呢。
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Samsara Game第二关图文攻略
都将一一提示出来~ ...