Beer Toss App官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Ever wish you had an app that would determine who will buy the first round of beers?
Introducing Beer Toss, the latest way to answer the question “who’s going to buy the first round?” By downloading this app, you’ll never have to wonder who’s buying the first round of Beer! Play Beer Toss as a group and the lowest score buys the first round! Find a betting man or women, to play Beer Toss with, and you may not have to pay for a beer all night! It’s the adult version of paper, rock, scissors!
- Test your reflexes against a spinning table.
- Competitive and highly additive game.
- Toss the Beer mug onto the spinning table and try to score higher than your drinking buddies!
- Hit the yellow target for maximum points, red target gets you 1 point. Hit the white and you'll have some spilled beer!
由英雄互娱发行的首款次世代TPS海战竞技手游《巅峰战舰》今日正式登陆App Store。极致写实的唯美画面、高度还原的百种二战战舰、创新的舰载机视角、战舰升级及涂装、激爽的10V10海战竞技等等特色都将让玩家体验到真正的海战激情。而在今日,《巅峰战舰》也推出了一部感人至深的公益视频,号召大家去关爱抗战退伍老兵以及更多的其他社会弱势群体。下面让我们来一起观看这部公益视频把!
本文由九游论坛玩家凉酒青杯言尘世丶木伦原创,转载请注明出处。欢迎点击进入原帖与作者互动交流~ 如你也有优质内容分享,可在论坛发帖投稿~
蜗牛数字旗下第一国民级武侠手游《九阴》今日正式登陆App Store,iOS用户现在即可下载游戏进入掌上江湖世界。作为2015年蜗牛数字推出的重磅手游产品,《九阴》手游由其同名端游团队王牌打造,采用蜗牛数字自研Flexi引擎实力研发,并汲取其同名端游精髓,轻功打斗、虚实架招策略自由PK、夺书刺探、团练绑架、组队禁地、帮派追杀等超多特色玩法都将一一呈现,游戏在首次曝光之后便受到了众多粉丝的高度关注,...