Rune Age Tracker官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Rune Age is a great game, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to carry just the cards in your pockets and be ready to play anywhere?
This is a fan-made companion app for the game Rune Age by Fantasy Flight Games, made for playing the game on the go by replacing the tokens and the die. It includes features from the expansion Oath and Anvil, but it is possible to use the app only with the base game as well.
This app is free, and it will display a single ad after about one minute of use. After that, no more ads will be displayed until the next restart.
- Track points for up to 4 players.
- Roll the attrition die.
- Randomize a mercenary card set to use for play, with option to exclude the PvP-only cards for coop scenarios (requires Oath and Anvil).
- Add and remove players with the + and - buttons at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose a colored seal for each player, these mirror the factions in the game (including the factions in Oath and Anvil).
- Tap the attrition die to roll it.
- Tapping the cards icon at the bottom of the screen will show a random set of mercenary cards, a new set can be generated using the circular arrow icon.
Rune Age is a trademark of Fantasy Flight Games.
Card artwork, die design and faction logos © Fantasy Flight Games.
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