American Chess官方版免费下载游戏攻略
American Chess: is a fun chess game to diversify your leisure time.
Chess is one of the most famous mental games in the world, where it is played on a board divided into sixty four square, where eight squares are in length, and eight boxes are in view, and the boxes are in two different colors, such as black, white or brown and white, Differences of opinion about the inventor of this game among peoples,
The chess game is played between two opponents who move the pieces on a square piece called the chesoard, so that the player is the owner of the white pieces is playing the first round, and then starts the player with the black pieces in the second round, it is worth mentioning that the main objective of the game to put Each player has a rebate under attack
Chess pieces The chess game contains several pieces:
✔ Pawns: A piece representing the slaves or workers, the most pieces are on the plate, usually are dispensed to save the largest pieces of them value.
✔ Castle: A piece of house-shaped or shelter-like houses in the Middle Ages.
✔ Knight: is a piece representing the expert soldier of the Middle Ages, and there are two pieces of it are each on the sides of the painting, and its function protect the most important pieces of them.
✔ Bishop: or so-called elephant and there are two pieces of it in the game, which represents the church.
✔ Queen: This piece is stronger than the other pieces, they represent women and there is only one piece on each side.
✔ King: The piece of the king of the most important pieces, which must be protected to win the game.
✔ Features : "American Chess"
✔ Put two players
✔ Sound effects
Small all size
✔ Assistant Games (Assistant)
Realistic graphics
✔ Five different themes
✔ 7 difficult levels (practice -> expert), easier for beginners, and become a chess game
Finish the stages Finish challenges: The application of chess stars display different operating modes, allows you to choose different chess programs, and upgrade your skills from 0 to the main chess.
Small all size
h Smart hints analyze each step
End update the end of the chess game every day
Daily challenge
✔ 3D Themes free
✔ Put two players
✔ Assistant Games (Assistant)
Realistic graphics
✔ Sound effects
✔ American Chess for Beginners is one of the most popular games in the world, performed by millions of people around the world
✔ Russian Chess application is free
Strategy game like and learn chess? Enjoy your chess time
Download your copy of American Chess now
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