Get out of Zone (Runner)官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Get out of Zone (Runner): path to safety is tough, so endure long enough to reach it! You are rapid sprinter: hope to avoid all & dodge the blue field. Believe in your chance: don’t worry and begin! Get out of Zone (Runner): sprinter, endure long enough, believe & hope to reach the safety! Your path is full of tough & rapid blue field, so dodge & avoid them!
Get out of Zone (Runner): hope to endure and reach the safety! No worry: you have a chance to avoid all and dodge blue field. Rapid sprinter, your path is long and tough, but believe in yourself & begin! Use your chance to Get out of Zone, runner!
Get out of Zone (Runner) game features:
• Runner game: get out of blue zone, sprinter!
• Begin to avoid & dodge rapid in the field
• Path is tough & long: endure to reach your safety
• No worry: hope & believe in your chance!
• Don’t worry, begin!
确切地说,GET系统在早期G世纪就有,就是把可控制的客座NPC机体在关卡里杀敌升级到S级并过关就直接登录生产了,后来在PSP时期的“世界”与“超越世界”取消了这一要素。 ...
本来Ring Out是《螺旋境界线》设计的一个核心概念,在战斗场景中,玩家和敌人的后方都存在着一条边线,任何人只要被打出边线就会强制退场(阵亡),无论他还剩余多少HP,这就是所谓的Ring Out。
要达成Ring Out,首先要关注游戏里一组很重要的属性:击退和平衡。每张卡的属性界面都会有这两个数值,击退值越高,普通攻击击退敌人的距离就越大。平衡值越高,受到攻击的时候被击退的距离就越短。战士拥...