Princess Sofia First Game Adventure官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Description - Princess Sofia First Game Adventure
Princess Sofia starts the game with three lives. The length of each of Princess Sofia's lives is tied to his health meter, which decreases whenever Princess Sofia is damaged from enemy attacks or falls down a bottomless pit. The player can replenish Princess Sofia's health meter by instructing Princess Sofia to eat Wumpa Fruit. Each time the health meter is fully depleted, Princess Sofia loses a life. However, the player can win an additional life for Princess Sofia by collecting 25,000 units of the magical substance known as Mojo or by collecting a rare type of Golden Wumpa Fruit. After the last life is lost, the player can continue playing by restarting the current episode.
Gameplay - Princess Sofia First Game Adventure
Whereas the previous games featured Crash spinning into or jumping on an enemy to attack, Princess Sofia gives him more options for attack. Early in the game, Crash has a light-powered attack and a heavy-powered attack and can also block, dodge or break an enemy's block.
Princess Sofia is stunned and susceptible to "jacking", meaning Crash can mount the creature and control it. While controlled by the player, the Titan possesses a similar move set to Crash, although some jacked Titans can shoot projectiles. Besides a greater health, the Titans controlled by Crash have a purple Titan Meter. When this meter is full, players can make the Titan unleash a special attack, which fully drains the meter in the process.
Player using a second controller can join the game at any time in the form of a white-furred version of Crash known as Princess Sofia. The second player appears in the first player's backpack, and can usually enter or exit the pack. However, the second player has to stay in the backpack if the first player is in mid-air or climbing a wall. This method of play is useful for overpowering enemies and collecting Mojo faster. There are two modes of co-op play; in "Leapfrog Mode", the players swap control each time the front player jumps, swings, or slides, while in "Piggyback Mode", each player is equipped with their own backpack and can hide in the other player's backpack if the action becomes too intense, such as when jumping over a cha.
Each episode contains a portal leading to a simple mini-game arena, where the player must accomplish a task in a set time. Generally, the task involves collecting a specified quantity of Mojo, using an enemy animal's attacks to snipe targets, or simply defeating a select number of enemies. At the end of each episode, the player earns a rank of a wood, bronze, silver, or gold voodoo object; the rank can be improved by defeating a set number of minions, destroying three robotic toilets or inflicting a minimum number of consecutive hits in combat. All three tasks must be accomplished in an episode if a gold voodoo object is to be obtained for that episode. Hidden voodoo dolls unlock concept art packages for each episode. Information on new Titans or enemies can also be viewed by selecting their voodoo doll after completing the episode.
Features - Princess Sofia First Game Adventure
- Jump to multiplatform
- Redesign
- Hiatus
- Present: Return
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