Math-A-Thon, Quick and Casual Mental Math Games官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Unlock your inner math genius, stone cold concentration, quick-thinking muscles, and cat-like reflexes. This game is designed to make every second a grueling fight against time itself.
Just as you think that you got the hang of the game, the game throws twists and turns to ones problems solving skills, forcing one to rely on mathematical tricks rather than relying on ones memory power.
So not only will this game help one memorize basic arithmetic tricks such as the multiplication tables, addition tricks, etc but also develop an innate ability to solve the harder arithmetic problems.
Paired with jazzy background tunes, the Math-A-Thon eventually lulls the player to a deep and pleasurable flow state where the players single focus remains on answering the questions effortlessly.
How to play:
1.) Answer the question correctly to earn points and time.
2.) If you feel like taking a risk, exchange time for points.
3.) Answer the question incorrectly, you will lose points and time.
4.) Earn achievements by reaching specific milestones.
5.) Good luck, and most importantly, enjoy Math-A-Thon !!!!!
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《Math-A-Thon, Quick and Casual Mental Math Games官方版免费下载》下载版本说明
《Math-A-Thon, Quick and Casual Mental Math Games官方版免费下载》官方版免费下载是九游这个手机游戏门户的一大特色,九游对所有平台不同类型的
Math-A-Thon, Quick and Casual Mental Math Games均从官方取包,提供正规的官方渠道包,并绝对的提供免费下载,让朋友们放心无忧的浏览各类游戏,遇到喜欢的就可以下载,多少都不是问题。当然上网还是要注意流量,如果是电脑就觉得没有后顾之忧。小编分享Math-A-Thon, Quick and Casual Mental Math Games给大家。