Bleach Game Piano Part 2官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Anime Lover or Otaku knows about Bleach Anime, because this anime is one of the best anime that must be watched. Opening and Ending music from Anime Bleach is also no less exciting to hear.
So, if you like Anime Bleach and definitely also like the Opening and Ending Music, then you must try a new sensation by playing this Bleach Game Piano.
You can play Bleach Game when you are relaxed or when you miss Bleach Anime. So you can listen to all of your favorite Opening and Ending from Anime Bleach while playing this Piano Game.
Play the best Bleach Game Piano on your android device NOW! FREE!
Two game modes:
1. Normal, no tiles missing.
2. Bomb, don't tap the bomb tile.
There are many playlists that you can play from the Opening and Ending Bleach anime which you can choose at will, some of which are:
- Bleach OP10 - Shoujo S
- Bleach OP14 - Blue
- Bleach ED27 - Aori Tori
- Bleach OP12 - Change
- Bleach ED28 - Haruka Kanata
- etc
This anime piano music list can be updated if there is a new Opening and Ending coming out.
Happy playing and thank you.
^^ Please note.
This game is completely free, only an application for Anime Bleach and Unofficial fans. Enjoy this Bleach Game Piano game, rate and share if you like it.
钢琴The Piano是一款恐怖冒险游戏。背景设定了第一次世界大战后,玩家扮演的John Barnerway要在多起谋杀案中寻找线索和答案。喜欢的小伙伴赶紧来看看钢琴游戏最低配置要求介绍吧!
钢琴 HD软件版本:2.0.0
操作系统: Windows 7
进入新的一年,掌趣科技貌似在前往二次元的道路上又迈了坚实的一步,及此前已经拿到《初音未来》、《一拳超人》两部二次元动漫 IP 的改编权后,如今又有一重磅 IP 加入了掌趣的豪华套餐。就在今天,掌趣方面通过官方社交媒体正式宣布,他们已经获得了《BLEACH》(死神)的改编权,并计划将开发一款全新的手机游戏。