Butchery: Kill Your Friends!官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Butchery is a social deduction card game based on an informed minority, an uninformed majority, and cannibalism. At the beginning of the game, each player is assigned one of three roles: Inspector, Livestock, or the Butcher. The livestock are in the majority, but they don’t know who is who - a fellow “innocent” could easily turn out to be the villain of the game and send you to the slaughterhouse!
This app acts a companion to the printed game. Using random event generation, this app adds an extra level of difficulty and suspense to the game. Events can range from nothing happening, all the way to sacrificing a fellow player to the Butcher. Happy killing!
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揭秘《致命枪杀Kill Shot》武器装备:四大枪械类型
提到枪战游戏就不得不说各大类枪械,除了精准的枪法与超乎常人的勇气,想要在《致命枪杀Kill Shot》中完胜各大区域各种挑战,必不可少恰当的武器装备。别着急别着急,马上送上各玩法武器选择攻略!
《致命枪杀Kill Shot》共包含狙击步枪、突击步枪、散弹枪和机关枪四大枪械类型,每种类型各包含枪支5~8支...