Mage Against The Machine官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Players take the role of a powerful mage who must defend his home from countless waves of murderous robots. The only way for the mage to do this is to create magical towers that can destroy any enemy that crosses its area if strategically placed. Players have to face three different types of enemies. The standard issue enemies that move at moderate speed and can take medium amount of damages. The fast enemies that can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time but have the weakest defense. Finally the tanks that can withstand devastating attacks but move slowly.
To defeat these enemies the player has the ability to summon three types of towers. The magic missile tower that fire enemy seeking projectile within its range. The Lightning tower that release an electrical discharge that damages all enemy within its radius. The beam tower which fires a powerful long range laser that damages any enemy unfortunate enough to be in front of it. The mages can collect gold by defeating these enemies which can allow them to upgrade these towers to make them even more powerful. Players must destroy every wave of enemies before getting hit five times or its Game Over.
《骰子魔法师Dice Mage》没有真刀真枪,决定玩家命运的只有一场场捉摸不定的、实力与运气兼具的骰子赌局。
画 面简单像素风,关卡为浮空的岛屿
音 乐幽默诙谐,相对比较紧凑
操 作一只手指便可操作
费 用免费 评分:8.0
开发商Machine Zone(以下简称“MZ”)以《雷霆天下》和《战争游戏》两款作品在业内声名大噪,而今天他们又曝光了新动作,那就是即将与SE合作开发以《最终幻想15》世界观为基础的手游,目前双方也就这个项目透露了部分消息。