Math Genius Challenge官方版免费下载游戏攻略
The "Math Genius Challenge" game will test & improve your math skills in the 4 basic elements of math: addition, subtraction, multiply and division.
Challenge your math skills and play against other player to win the leaderboards top position and becoming the math genius of the day, week or month.
Play the math challenge collect coins and get awards.
The app is also offering practice games to improve your math skills in the 4 math basics.
Trace your math improvement with detailed statistics.
Playing this game will exercise your brain and increase your brain power, keep your mind focused and enhanced your your math skills!
App is free to download and play in the math practice games to improve your math skills, view your math improvement statistics and view the leaderboards.
In order to participate in the "Math Genius Challenge" tournaments, you need to buy a subscription. This way you can enjoy the full app features, play all the math games, collect coins and awards and compete for the top position on the math genius challenge leaderboards.
《实验室挑战》(Test Chamber Challenge)是一款益智闯关游戏。你觉得你的脑袋够聪明吗?你觉得你的思维能力够强大吗?那么来挑战这款游戏吧!36个具有挑战性的游戏设计,以测试你的智商,逻辑能力和推理能力。内置的帮助系统能够在你卡住的时候为你提供一点灵感。喜欢此类游戏的玩家快来下载这款《实验室挑战》体验试玩吧!
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