Monster Kid 2nd Grade Games官方版免费下载游戏攻略
For kids who love to learn and play, monsters need not be scary!
Monster Kid Grade 2 Games was designed to create a warm, fun and relaxed platform for second-graders in their quest to understand the key concepts of Second Grade Math and English. A fun and exciting application filled with a variety of unique educational activities that are great tool to keep the kids challenged and on their toes.
The monster-theme animation and audio with a cave-like backdrop forms a unique environment that will surely take the kids to a thrilling experience. It's a great second grade learning games for your students.
Covering a variety of activities designed to promote learning, this app is an awesome means to give your child’s learning skills a boost. Exercises such as identifying sentence parts, verb tenses, punctuations, synonym and antonym and spelling are designed to develop their thinking and language skills in both written and oral form. The math exercises will help your second grader build their fluency in basic math operations in addition, subtraction and multiplication and develop their understanding of place value and the operations of the number sentences.
1. Multiplication- the number sentence is illustrated by objects to help kids find the right answer
2. Place Value- helps identify the place value of a number in a multi-digit number.
3. Parts of a Sentence- enhance your grammar by identifying which is/are the noun(s), verb(s) or adjective(s) in a sentence
4. Alphabetical Order of words- exercise skills to arrange alphabetically.
5. Numbers- identify odd, even, and negative number as well as compare value of whole numbers
6. Spelling- practice spelling of Grade Two target words
7. Money- recognize coins and notes
8. Punctuation- hone writing skills by knowing the correct punctuations to be used (comma, colon, semi-colon, etc..)
9. Math- practice addition and subtraction and number sentences
10. Verb Tenses- develop grammar by identifying present, simple and future tenses.
11. Synonyms and Antonyms- widens vocabulary by learning antonyms and synonyms of target words.
1. Monster-theme animation and audio with a cave-environment
2. Provides a variety of interactive and stimulating activities in one sitting
3. Relevant and useful for second graders; it targets core skills on Math and
4. Allows mastery of skills- some activities have many levels of difficulty
5. Can be used as a supplement for second graders who are having difficulty with Math and English
6. Two-in-One- covers fundamental skills in both Math and English
While acting as a channel for parent’s to bond with their children during family play time it can also be a tool for parents to become involved in their child’s learning through coaching. Parents can also monitor their children’s performance in each activity through the learning stat board that shows their scores and percentages.
So what does the family play-monster do? Download Grade 2 Monster School to find out!
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