happy coloring kid官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Coloring is a fun, exciting activity and kids enjoy it a lot. That’s why you should always have a coloring book like Happy Coloring Kid on your mobile device. Here you can find many different pages full of great pictures and colors to choose from.
Your child can go through 6 different categories such as flowers, animals, cartoons, houses, cake, princess and choose the picture they want to work on. There are lots of details and features here, from dolls to kids, learning and girls.
Thanks to Happy Coloring Kid you always have a new and fun coloring book experience every time. Kids always like exploring new things and create cool stuff. With our app you get to have that as you see fit. Every new page brings in lots of different possibilities. And the best part is that your child can come back to an older creation, remove all colors and start again with some new ideas.
If you want to boost your child’s creativity and critical thinking, don’t hesitate to download Happy Coloring Kid right now. It’s one of the best ways to boost your child’s creativity while also placing all the power and choice in his hands!
6 categories to choose from
Enhance your child’s creativity
Create beautiful art pieces
New content added often
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日本厂商Happy Elements旗下Cacalia Studio新作手机游戏《魔物实况者》(日:マモノチューバーズ)(iOS/Android)已于昨日正式推出。
近日,HIKARI FIELD正式宣布将推出恋爱游戏《茂伸奇谈-happy end-》的简体中文版。该游戏在2013年登陆PC平台,面向全年龄玩家。
《茂伸奇谈-happy end-》是日本新锐美少女厂商Lose的知名作品,是一款GAL游戏,游戏的音乐旋律优美,系统制作完善而且人性化,CV阵容强大,每个人物都配有语音(包括男主人公),剧情治愈向,总之是新作中的不错的作品。