SHINZO APP官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Legend has it there was a brutal punishment known as [the heart gibbet].
The wrongdoer's heart was removed from its body for public display. With the modern technology, our application brought back the punishment [the heart gibbet] to life. The wrongdoer's heart will possess your personal device, and you will be hearing his voices.
How does he react with this punishment?
What made him being punished like this?
And what happens to him in the end.....
Listen to his VOICE, and listen to his 'HEART'.
Voice Adventure Game
・Play free for first about 5 minutes.
・It is non-text-base application, but by touching screen you can display text messages.
・There are several "HIS HEART" stories. Free to play the beginning of the story. Purchase to unlock the rest of the story.
・Bookmark feature allows you to replay the voice from the application. This feature also allows you to edit lines in the all combination of your choice. Purchase to use the full bookmark features.
Voice: Japanese
UI: Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
网易首款非对称性对抗竞技手游《第五人格》,于今日在App Store独家首发。首发当日,《第五人格》便成功跻身于App Store游戏免费排行榜第一,App Store总榜第一,iPad总榜第一。
(App Store免费排行榜第一)
(App Store总榜第一)
关于Strike Team的手机APP,IOS设备App store国区暂时还未上线,有国外apple id的可以去其他区下载。安卓可以在Google Play找到。
基本上这个App的作用就是可以让你在手机上管理你的Strike Team,用EA账号登陆,以此赢得单人模式的一些奖励。
另外对于那些暂时还未进入游戏的,这个Strike Team的进度是会保存到你进入游戏里时的。意思就是那些等发...
官方消息,由韩国知名团队研发的卡牌回合制手游《校园传说》即将正式登陆App Store,敬请期待。