Bird Mania Hunt官方版免费下载游戏攻略
1) World table of records: set records by competing with other players
2) High-quality 3D graphics: enjoy good 3D graphics that are optimized to work even on older devices
3) Five types of pick-up items that will make the player stronger and improve the gameplay (slowing down time, accelerated running, golden rain, extra life, shooting with fire, triple shoot)
How to play
-Use the arrows on the bottom corners of the screen to move.
-To aim a bow, pinch your finger where you want to aim. Do not lift your finger off the screen until you decide to shoot.
-The longer you hold your finger, the stronger and further the arrow will fly.
-Release your finger for a shot.
-Be careful of eggs and birds, in a collision you will lose a life, or you will lose!
-From different things, a player can pick up and become stronger for a certain time.
《Flappy Bird》超进化 《Flappy Bird2》重磅回归
这绝对是游戏界的一个奇迹事迹。短短几天之内《Flappy Bird》这只小鸟几乎“侵占”了80%的欧美手机游戏用户,一度成为美国及中国iTunes最受欢迎和下载最多的免费应用软件,并被英国App Store描述为“新愤怒鸟”。
所谓“人红是非多”,鸟红了麻烦也不少。在《Flappy Bird...
风靡一时的《Flappy Bird》因为作者的突然下架,成为多少被虐狂的遗憾。骚男骚女们只能下载山寨版过过虐心的瘾。现在你们的机会终于来了!据海外最新消息,《Flappy Bird》开发者Dong Nguyen日前向媒体透露正在考虑将《Flappy Bird》在App Store重新上架。虽然Nguyen此前也在推特上暗示过《Flappy Bird》将会回归,但这次的言论显然更为确定。
游戏规则很简单,界面窗格上会初始出现2或者4等两个数字,用户可以通过选择上下左右其中一个方向滑动出现的数字,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外,而滑动出的空白方块就会随机出现一个数字,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会叠加。系统随机给出的数字不是2就是4,用户要想办法在这小小的 16 格范围中通过不断滑动叠加凑出“2048”这个数字。