Drawing One Stroke Connect all dots With One Line官方版免费下载游戏攻略
There are hundreds of handcrafted levels with funny tricks; All levels are free to play.
First, you need to choose a dot to start connect, then connect all the dots to complete a geometric figure with one touch, you can't repeatedly draw a same line two times.
How to Play:
-Touch each node to start and try to link all the lines without using repeat path!
-Connect all the points with just one line.
-Draw the given figure in just one touch.
-here are some fiendishly tricky, complicated puzzles among the large number of stages. When you get stuck, make use of a solve!
-Over 500+ puzzles are unique and full of fun and amazing challenges!
Only 5% of people can complete some of the puzzles in this game, Can you complete them?
Play now
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次元穿越 合影草帽海盗团
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