Body Weight Diary官方版免费下载游戏攻略
This extensive Body Weight Diary provides you all functions you need to record, track and analyze your body weight.
Since this data is very sensitive, we offer you a high level of data protection. Therefore, your data is stored only where it belongs: on your device!
Key features:
- Offline Modus (You don't need an internet connection)
- High level data protection
- A beautiful design ensures your daily well-being in the app
- Quick and easy capture of your body weight
- Add notes or tags to your data (for example: after morning workout, forgotten to take medications)
- A great and clear diary for your body weight
- Extensive diagrams and statistics to track your data over long periods of time
- Add events to your calendar and be reminded of them
- Export your data as a CSV-File
- Much information about body weight and BMI
- No registration needed
Start your personal and free Body Weight Diary now!
This app is created to provide you a great diary for your body weight and does not measure your body weight. All result values are random generated!
昨日我们报道了Atlus旗下RPG游戏《凯瑟琳》或将推出后续作品,现在它真的来了!今天Atlus正式公布了新作《凯瑟琳 Full Body》,并公开了该作的官网。据悉,该游戏将登陆PS4和PSV平台。
《凯瑟琳 Full Body》可以理解为原作的加强版...
Atlus旗下的《凯瑟琳Full Body》将于2月14日发售,日前官方推特发布了一则“紧急预告”,宣布将于1月11日中午12点(北京时间11点整)公布本作的相关特别消息。
Atlus旗下的福利新作《凯瑟琳Full Body》是原作《凯瑟琳》的HD增强版,然而这款游戏公布还不到一周就因为歧视变性人遭到女权抵制,这是怎么回事呢,一起来了解下。
首先,让我们回顾一下原作,32岁的主角文森特布鲁克斯是个单身汉,因为他一直长期拖延与女友Katherine McBride的婚姻。后来文森特出轨了Katherine,和一个名字为Catherine女人好...