Super Santa Go in the Ice Age 2019官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Welcome to Super Santa Go in the ice age adventure!
It's a free easy game based on running and jumping in the ice cold age.
Super Santa Go will take you back in time with the legendary mission: Princess Rescue.
The jumper knight Santa Claus has a mission, which is collecting hats, but, there are many enemies to face like the angry snowman and the hopping super crazy jumper penguin.
Also Santa need to avoid some obstacles such as the cracks of glass,iceberg,ice crush and Christmas trees ...
Here come your role in this game, by helping the Hopping Super Santa Claus to collect the hats and avoiding all the dangers around him.
You also need to pay attention to a few surprises such as speed increase or decrease, falling, direction change, glass springs ...
It's an amazing adventure game that comes with 100+ levels of increasing difficulty.
Please let us know about your notices and suggestions to improve the quality of the game.
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