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Fact: Only one in a million people have the ability of providing the Day of Week for any date just through thought. You may have seen a few on TV and they are typically considered Geniuses.
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You can learn this trick quickly within seconds and while playing games, having fun and completing against other. You are guaranteed to start learning how to quickly know the day of week within minutes. You will be shocked at how easy it is.
What's that Day?
Anyone can become as Genius with this simple approach. Plus, it's fun as you rise to the top of the charge.
It's simple, adding the values for the Month + Day + Year = Day of Week.
The month May and year 2017 both have values of 0.
Example: May 1st, 2017
May (0) + 1 + 2017 (0) = 1 = Monday
Values for Day of Week
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
Example: May 4, 2017
May (0) + 4 + 2017 (0) = 4 = Thursday
As you level up and learn new skills, the information will be listed within the title bar. For example:
Month's Value:
0 = May
1 = August
2 = February, March, November
3 = June
Year's Value:
0 = 2017
1 = 2018
2 = 2019
So Remember:
Month (value) + Day (value) + Year (value) = Day of Week
May 22, 2018
May (0) + 22 (1) + 2018 (1) = 2 = Tuesday
The game takes you step by step until you will quickly and within a few seconds be able to recite the Day of the Week for any Date.
What's that Day? Now you know!
堪称电竞信仰朝圣日的ROG Day于12月16日在中国电影导演中心成功举办。这场电竞圈的盛事,再一次引爆广大ROG粉丝们的热血与激情,也让前来朝圣的玩家们不虚此行,除了能零距离接触Faker大魔王等电竞圈大神,亲身感受ROG电竞硬件的巅峰实力也让信仰粉大呼过瘾。
ROG Day玩家盛宴:Faker大显身手 ROG电竞主板更强更炫
ROG Day现场
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Day After(★★★)
月之虚构世界。 在那里生活着的人们。 终将到来的黄昏的尽头下,少女们在谈论着。 谈论着无趣的话...