Mission Equation | Endless Run | Quick Math Games官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Get on the Mission to solve the old-school Math Equations, in a way you've never tried before. Master the skills till you become worthy of winning the ultimate title of the 'Math-Guru'!
This game is a perfect balance of fun and interesting gameplay as well as a challenging touch to force you make a quick decision while solving the math equation. Kids will build a strong foundation for their education ahead.
Addittion | Substraction | Multiplication | Division
Key Features:-
- Challenge_Mode:
* 100+ stages to be uncloked, each with a new variation of equation.
* New 'Endless-Stage' and 'skins' will be unlocked as you progress.
* Difficulty increases gradually.
- Endless_Mode:
* Train your skills further here.
* Coin collection is handy needed in the gameplay & to shop.
* Practise till perfection.
* Create a new 'Highscore' to beat.
- 20+ Skins:
* The sphere set, the chess set and many more to collect.
* A few to ride on!
- Easy gameplay, suitable for all age groups.
-Will help the school going kids to improve their math skill.
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幻嘉网络海外发行的首款游戏《Endless Castle》今日在东南亚地区全面上线,并将于本周在九游进行国内版本(国内版本《无境之城》)的首次删档测试!这是一款有着日韩清新画风,以奇幻冒险为题材的动作手游,玩法十分丰富,而作为端游移植的手游,它在画面和操作的上都有着不俗的表现!
《Endless Castle》日韩风的画面十分精致清新,宏大的地图是游戏的一大特色,玩家可以尽...