Happy Slime官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Happy Slime - Draw lines so that the lizun falls into the jar.
Do you like interesting puzzles and draw with your finger? Then you found your game!
Happy Slime is a game for everyone who loves simple and complex puzzles!
Draw a line so that the slide gets into the glass. Bank filled - level passed! Faced difficulties - use the hint and play on!
Happy Slime is:
- Hundreds of levels that will make your brain work!
- Real physics - lizun flows like a real one!
- A huge selection of colors, stickers, paints, cans and other things - collect the entire collection!
- Many hours of fun and good!
Run the game on any device and play everywhere. Fun trials for your mind are already waiting for you!
Happy Glass52关怎么过?Happy Glass是一款益智类游戏,玩家通过自有的画线来完成关卡,简单、智能、有趣的谜题不仅充满了乐趣同时也让人非常的轻松,那么下面我们就来看下Happy Glass52具体的通关方法。
《Happy Glass》第52关攻略
关于《Happy Glass》
happy glass第122关如何通关?这是一款极具魔性的益智游戏,在抖音上面非常火,看着抖音上的人玩都能通关,但是自己尝试了一下却发现没有那么简单,happy glass的关卡非常多,有很多人都卡在第122关这里了,画出一条什么样的线才能顺利通关呢?下面给大家讲讲122关的通关技巧。
happy glass81-90关怎么过?一共10道关卡,每一关的难度都不一样,只要让水管里面的水顺利到达玻璃杯,并且需要一定的水量,才能通关成功,在这个过程中会有不同的阻碍,需要用铅笔画出各种线条,顺利通关,81关-90关的具体攻略分享如下。