Candy Foodie官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Candy Foodie is a easy-to-learn draw physical line game. You need to draw line to let the ball eat the candy. As short as line you draw, you will get more stars. Try to get all 3 stars.
1. Draw line to let line fall down.
2. Line can pull ball to move.
3. Try to let the ball eat the candy.
4. Then you will win the game.
1. Tons of challenging levels
2. Colorful Dots and UI
3. 10 skins you can choose.
4. Relaxing Sound Effects
5. Free 50 coins at the first login
6. Simple design and colorful graphics
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近几年来,手游市场的迅速爆发成就了不少十亿美元级大作,也成就了King以及Supercell这样估值数十亿甚至百亿美元的公司。不过,对于大多数的开发商来说,市场规模的增长并没有带来可持续的红利,最近,英国手游开发商Mind Candy宣布通过贷款和融资的方式躲开了破产的遭遇,这个曾经年收入7亿元的成功开发商如今面临第二次重大危机。
文本给大家带来的是《逃出万圣节糖果店 Escape a Halloween Candy Shop》全剧情的通关攻略,想知道逃出万圣节糖果店是怎么通关的吗?想就跟小编一起来看看吧!
《逃出万圣节糖果店 Escape a Halloween Candy Shop》是一款密室逃脱游戏。这个游戏很简单,你只需要逃离房间就可以了。不给糖就捣蛋!找到物...