Fractal Tunnel VR Trip官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Fractal Tunnel: VR Trip contains eye-catching and mind pleasing visuals for chill and relax.
The game generates existing in nature math functions which react to in-game music in order to draw multiple patterns and fractals right before your eyes. Selected music influences the tunnel glow intensity, it's shape and speed.
You can put your favourite tracks to game's folder, select them and see how the tunnel will behave. Choose between two game modes:
1. Chill out entirely and admire genereted environment.
2. Focus on collecting stardust and staying within the tunnel for as long as possible
*This task will be harder with every second and every beat of your music!
You can customize the tunnel by selecting patterns, changing colours or switching their visibility.
As music is the game's core, we recommend using good headphones for better immersion and put your favourite tracks for the best feeling possible.
Designed to use with Google Cardboard.
The game is free and contains no ADs at all!
Enjoy the game! We hope it will take you on a fantastic and unforgettable trip.
《方块狂奔VR VR Block Run》是一款虚拟现实动作游戏。戴上你的VR眼镜,狂奔在方块的世界。游戏画质还不错,有眼镜的玩家赶紧入手试试。
2016年Casual Connect峰会欧洲站在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行。业内普遍认为Oculus Rift、HTC Vive和PlayStation VR三大高端VR头显“入市”将为科技和游戏界带来颠覆性影响,但有开发者指出,与PC和主机VR头显相比,移动VR头显更有潜力推动VR迅速普及。
前《糖果传奇》开发商King高管,VR游戏公司Resolution Games首席执行官汤米•帕...