Scary EIsa Horror games 2019官方版免费下载游戏攻略
The evil granny is EIsa who loves horror games and scary games. Babie, granny and the frozen queen is the best of scary games 2019!
Scary EIsa is a grany mods version with special function of granny games. Do you love princess, granny, queen or something?
The frozen bride of this brandnew game would never stop finding you and chasing you, she can feel you and listen to any sounds you make.
EIsa granny can hear every little sounds around her so don't make a little sound at all, don't be scared because you have 5 days to get out of the crazy house!
Ice queen is an old scary granny with lots of dangerous traps everywhere in her house. The kids are now in the evil princess's scary house to rescure the toddler.
You would face your fears, ghost, demon and lots of scary things in the dark, untill the strategy game (granny mod) ends.
Grany games make fears for children, they are not fun games for kids.
Frozen granny - winter bride: The new horror game of this year with many features:
- Horror, fears are visible from inside. Let's meet the beautiful frozen princess.
- Easy to play with Ghost mode, Very hard mode and Dark mode. The beauty of the bride is amazing.
- Bendy baseball stick, traps and a lot of scary things.
- Beauty, scary or horror?
- The frozen queen can take our fears and maybe tears sometime.
- Babie, you must be hurry up, the beast and the Grannt would come back anytime.
- granny in new looks - eIsa.
- Let's get out of the ghost house, cry if you want but you must try yourbest.
- Toddlers should say hello to the beautifull princess.
- Jump scared, beautiful queen, be careful with traps.
We are bendy and opened to any new ideas, wellcomne to this amazing free game 2019! Let's get out of that horror house!
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