Idle Champion官方版免费下载游戏攻略
This game features an easy and friendly idling experience with hundreds of monsters that can be collected! Start your journey here and save this world from chaos, together with your friends!
Use different tactics and skills for each lineup, choose the correct one to defeat your opponents and get massive rewards!
[Idling Gameplay]
No need to operate all the time, simple taps and free your hands! Also, you can still battle even you are NOT online, all rewards can be claimed later!
[Ranked PvP Battle]
Single Mode is not enough for you? Try the ranked battle for duels here! Remember, higher rank gets more rewards, can you hold your throne long enough?
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近日,咸鱼游戏公布公司旗下肆叁叁工作室自研的3D足球经营策略手游《Champion Eleven》获得了FIFPro即国际职业足球员协会的正版授权。基于FIFPro授权,该产品能使用FIFPro协会下包括英超、西甲、意甲、法甲、荷甲、葡超等63个国家协会的数百支足球俱乐部真实信息,可以合法展现超过六万名国际知名球员的真实肖像。在迎接2018世界杯年之际,这一正版授权将成为咸鱼游戏《Champion...
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