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Before starting, each player places their twelve pieces in the two rows closest to them and in the two rightmost spaces in the center row. The game is played in turns, with one player taking white and the other black.
A piece can move from its point to any empty adjacent point that is connected by a line.
A piece can jump over an opposing piece and remove it from the game, if that opposing piece is adjacent and the point beyond it is empty.
Multiple capturing jumps are permitted, and indeed compulsory if possible.
If a capture is possible it must be made, or else the piece is removed (or huffed).
The goal of the game is to eliminate the opponent's pieces.
LOL2017NEST预选赛9月17日GT VS TF比赛视频,在这场比赛中胜利的队伍将能晋级下一轮比赛,那么GT和TF之间谁更胜一筹呢?下面就一起来观看LOL2017NEST预选赛9月17日GT VS TF比赛视频吧。
LOL2017NEST预选赛9月17日GT VS TF第一场比赛视频
赛车游戏《GT Sport》需要时刻联网,据悉,如果不联网的话,就算日常的存档也不能保存。下面,一起来了解下吧。
据Ars Technica,《GT Sport》离线模式中唯一能做的是游玩街机模式。尽管该模式支持使用在线时解锁的车辆和赛道,但你只能玩单人比赛或计时比赛。
竞速大作《GT Sport》相信很多玩家都在关注,从之前放出的情报来看,这款游戏的画面非常逼真,而且对画质的要求也非常高。但如此高质而又庞大的游戏,对现阶段的主机来说好像有点过了。近日外媒参观了《GT Sport》开发商的东京总部,该游戏的创作者山内一典向媒体的编辑展示了细致入微的车辆建模以及游戏的设计细节,在采访中他表示:我们创造一部车要花六个月时间,PS4 Pro有些消受不起,所以我们其实现在...