The Rubbish Arcade *Beta官方版免费下载游戏攻略
I'm trying something different. I have grouped together my core ideas for an arcade hub; a game with many arcade games inside. However, by downloading this beta, you'll be able to access my discord for direct input and ideas! This beta with be updated on a regular basis, and your input will go into developing the game. When the full game launches it will have a price and if you download this beta while it's still up, you'll get a free copy of the game regardless if you have any ideas (you will have your name in the credits if you do)! So without wasting anymore time, go ahead and download and come up with some cool ideas!
《合力救援》是一款类似于《我的世界》风格的飞行救援游戏,一经推出就受到了不少玩家的欢迎。而其续作《合力救援2》(Dustoff Heli Rescue 2)除还原经典玩法外,还将大幅度提高游戏质量。
Ubisoft 宣布《特技摩托:崛起》将在 2 月 21 日至 2 月 25 日于 PS4、Xbox On、Nintendo Switch 和 Windows PC 平台举办 Beta 公开测试,并将自 2 月 19 日起开放预载。本次 Beta 公开测试邀请所有玩家在 2 月 26 日《特技摩托:崛起》全球正式发售前抢先体验这款超越巅峰的摩托车平台竞技游戏。
《机动战士高达:激战任务2》基本架构承袭《机动战士高达:激战任务》,都是以一年战争为主轴的宇宙世纪背景,玩家将驾驶来自联邦军或吉翁军的各式MS,展开 6 对 6 的据点争...