Cari Kata Pro官方版免费下载游戏攻略
This game is made to fill your void or free time after being tired of working or studying. This game can hone the speed of reading writing a randomized word into a meaningful word. The languages available in the game are Indonesian, Malaysian and English.
★ Difficulty is divided into 9 levels namely very easy level (5x5), very easy (6x6), easy (8x8), medium (10x10), average (12x12), difficult (14x14), very difficult (16x16), legend (18x18) and mythic (20x20)
★ Words that appear are very varied, so they can add new vocabulary (Indonesian language 28,461 words, Malaysia 13,805 words and English 36,403 words) and will always increase
★ Supports display of night mode (saving power)
★ Display applications that are nice and easy to use
《Sudoku Pro Edition》是一款在经典数独游戏中增添新创意的限免游戏,在游戏中,玩家要将数字填进每一格,而每行、每列和每个3 x 3的大格将要集齐1 ~ 9的所有数字。有一部份数字已被预先提供,每道谜题只有一个答案。规则虽然不难,但要解出每一道谜题可是相当考验逻辑哦!
索尼新上市的PS4 Pro作为PS4的增强版,可以给玩家们带来更高清流畅的游戏体验。但是,真的是所有游戏在Pro上都有提升吗?近日一份报告就指出有些游戏在Pro上的运行是不如标准版的PS4的。