Magic Square Ultimate官方版免费下载游戏攻略
A magic square is a grid containing the numbers, where each row, column and diagonal add up to the same number which is called magic number.
In this game player is provided with two number grids.
One in the upper side is puzzle grid and lower side contains numbers to solve the puzzle.
Player needs to fill the puzzle grid such that it forms a magic square.
The magic number is given at the top.
Player needs logical thinking as well as should know arithmetic addition subtraction to solve the puzzle.
Presently puzzle grids of three sizes are available - 3X3, 4X4 and 5X5.
This game application generates large number of puzzles, moreover puzzles would not repeat even if the player resets the game and starts again.
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S.S第一章第1关怎么过?相信各位玩家都知道S.S的英文全名是Square Sequence和中文名称是方块.序列,是一款休闲益智类游戏,深受玩家们喜爱。而本关卡是游戏第一关所以通关方法还是蛮简单的,小编不多说了,玩家只要轻轻将方块拉下来就行了,具体详细内容,还请看下面小编为大家整理的Square Sequence第1关通关攻略,相信大家都可以完美通关。
该网站会每日更新,每次都会多透露一些新讯息。如今已经公开了另外三个角色图,并同步更新了文字,增加了Square Enix X Tir-Ace字样。