Pick or Drop [Choices Game]官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Pick or Drop [Choices Game] : It’s a simple, fun and addictive game for all ages. Pick or Drop game is one of the best ways to improve concentration.
Are you feel Bored?
Are you feeling Restless?
Are you Wandering?
Can you quickly find the different one?
Then kill your time play with the new and simple game Pick or Drop [Choices Game].
How To Play:
The whole game is categorised into 4 levels. Each levels includes the participant and the . By the rapid actions of tapping the buttons we need to make the down and save the participants. The game play remains constantly through out the four levels. To clear a level the stipulated score is to be achieved.
*Pick or Drop game can improve eye and hand coordinations.
*improve concentration.
*improves your reflexes.
Why our game?
* Beautiful cute images
* Easy to play
* Helps your concentration and hand-eye coordination
* Colorful levels
* Internet is not mandatory to this free application.
* Challenge your friends and see who reach the last level!
****** Let’s Enjoy with Pick Or Drop ******
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