Piano Tiles - Perfect Piano Magic Titles官方版免费下载游戏攻略
This is a super fun Piano Tiles and highly addictive game suited for everyone best game 2018.
No special skills needed for Piano Tiles Piano Play, all this game asks of you is an attentive mind and fast fingers!
Game features:
1.Finish your achievements to get more diamonds and coins.
2.Master's challenge kicks off! Reach the peak experience of speed challenge.
3.Brand new slider tile gamplay brings you more exciting gaming experiences.
4.There are more albums and songs of various styles.
5.You can add songs to your favorite, play both classical and pop music to enrich your playing experience.
6.New intece and new song lists make it easier to choose songs.
7.Compete with friends and global players
8.Easy to master with visual effect incomparable
Game rules:
Tap on the black tiles while listening to music. Avoid the white ones! Hurry now! Enjoy classical and pop music, challenge your friends, improve your tapping speed!. Compete with your friends and speed up your fingers.
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