Mustang Country Mini Golf官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Test your skills against 18 challenging holes with a bonus practice hole! Each hole was designed by a team of students at Meridian Early College high school and brought to life through this fun game.
Start out with the practice hole and once you are confident test your skills on the real course. You also have options to choose your favorite ball color and turn sound effects off. If you find a hole exceptionally challenging, feel free to skip the hole, with penalty strokes of course!
Be careful not to hit the ball out of bounds too many times or mastering the course with a par score will be impossible!
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2015年度 “海燕奖”评选自正式开启报名以来,引起手游厂商、发行商、媒体以及玩家的极大关注。时下,“海燕奖”的投票活动正在如火如荼的进行着,盛大首款“超级手游”——《超级地城之光》,也成功入选GMIC海燕奖评选,并正式进入了投票时间。伴随着,投票活动的日益激烈,玩家的热情较前一阶段更加高涨,纷纷在社区、微信朋友圈为自己钟...
蓝港互动旗下3D MMOARPG仙侠手游巨作《蜀山战纪》御剑首测已经圆满结束,也实现了不少玩家的愿望,那么2016年各位友友的愿望是什么呢?大声说出来,说不定《蜀山战纪》会帮你实现呢!
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一等奖(1名):iPad mini 7.9英寸平板16G WiFi版(价值1988元)