FunnyJoy - Unblock Plus官方版免费下载游戏攻略
Max Unblock is a fun and classic addictive puzzle game. The goal is to unblock the red block out of the board by sliding the other blocks out of its way with the minimal amount of moves. Max Unblock comes with 4 difficulties of puzzles. There are 200+ puzzles in total, the highest amount of puzzles you'll find in any logic block game, worth hundreds of hours to keep you challenged and hooked.
[How to play]
The red block escape to the exit.
Horizontal blocks can move from side to side.
Vertical blocks can be moved up and down
• 200+ puzzles in total for you to enjoy
• Established a hint system helping you to solve puzzles
• Reset/Undo buttons to help you figure out each puzzle
• Smooth and delicate animation
• 4 difficulty level: easy to expert
• Try to enjoy the "Max Unblock” using various devices and screen sizes
Max Unblock have been used in many schools to help improve kids with their brain functions in school and in their pastime. Not only for kids, Max Unblock can keep you mentally fit every day. It will improve your cognitive abilities such as attention, concentration and logic reasoning.
限时神将再次开启啦!这次是群雄最邪恶武将-司马懿,带领群雄众武将来与大家见面,众主公们快 去赢取他们吧。 2015年1月9日00:00:00---2015年1月12日23:59:59 【活动范围】 安卓1-16服,IOS1-9服 【活动规则】 活动期间,玩家通过招将获得积分,结束后根据玩家积分排名发送奖励。 【奖励内容】 第1名 司马懿,董卓 第2名 司马懿,张角 第3-10名 张角,董卓将魂*...