Number Games Match Game Free Games for Kids Math官方下载游戏攻略
Created by parents and teachers, "Numbers Match" is the perfect teaching tool for number identification and counting skills combining exciting card matching game play with professional narration, fun music and positive feedback. It's fun and easy for kids to use.
•Match numbers to numbers
•Match numbers to the group with the same number of items
•Hear the numbers as you touch them
•Discover new numbers, designs and layouts as you play
•Count items and match them to their number
•Match picture cards with the same number of items
•Pop balloons and hear them count
•"Show Me" option keeps cards face up for easier play
•Items, numbers and instructions are professionally narrated
•Hints and options allow you to customize difficulty
•Players are rewarded with balloon popping and positive encouragement
•Traditional memory match and color match available for purchase
•Parental controls: Turn off sounds, music, purchases and links to our other apps
•We do not collect personal information from our users.
Eggroll Games builds interactive toys that promote learning and engage children through colorful interactivity without confusing buttons or menus.
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Epic Games作为全球知名游戏开发商之一,为各位玩家带来《子弹风暴》《战争机器》以及《虚幻竞技场》等为代表的系列游戏,近日,Epic Games的创意总监Donald Mustard在接受采访时透露他们目前有5款作品正在开发中,而且预计在2017年晚些时候会放出更多信息。
据了解,Epic Games旗下的《虚幻争霸》取得了不错的成绩,在去年11月份游戏有65万的玩家,而目前游戏有超...
距离2016年第十四届 ChinaJoy(简称 CJ)将于7月28日——7月31日在上海新国际博览中心举行。
距离开展仅剩两周多时间了,而各国外参展大厂也陆续得到确认。其中大家熟悉的《无尽之剑》系列开发商 Epic Games 也正式确认参加本届ChinaJoy。
Epic Games成立于1991年,是虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)的创造者,旗下有《战争机器》、《无尽之剑》等经典...
然而近日《舰队collection》的运营方DMM GAMES发出声明,表示得知有其他游戏使用“舰娘”一词作为宣传,“舰娘”是为了称呼《舰队collection》中的游戏角色而创造的自造词,对《舰队colle...