Inventory Pets Mod MCPE官方下载游戏攻略
Inventory Pets PE adds 31 pets to the game. Craft the pets and keep them in your inventory. Then just make sure they are kept fed to benefit the many abilities which they can give you. It’s a great way to have a pet in Minecraft without having to worry if they get killed or don’t do what they are told. Besides looking absolutely adorable they will also prove very useful on your next adventures in Minecraft!
To use the pet abilities make sure the pet which you want to use is in your hotbar. Also remember that you must keep your pets fed (by keeping whatever items they eat in any of the inventory slots).
Each pet is used differently. Some of them have passive abilities while others can be used (by tapping on the ground) to cause some type of action. For example, a Sheep Pet can be used for getting a jump potion effect and a Blaze Pet can be used for setting mobs on fire.
Down below you can view all pets, crafting recipes, food and abilities. We’ve also included a full list of crafting recipes for the pet food further down on this page.
Ghast Pet (ID: 4014):
Eats: Blaze Powder
Abilities: Use item to cause an explosion (and gain 1-2 second temporary damage/fire resistance) (3 uses, costs 1 Blaze Powder to reload)
Recipe: 6 Nether Quartz + 1 Blaze Powder + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Spider Pet (ID: 4015):
Eats: Raw Chicken
Abilities: Jump effect, climb walls. Gives strings when it eats.
Recipe: 6 Coal Nuggets + 1 Raw Chicken + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Magma Cube Pet (ID: 4020):
Eats: Nether Quartz
Abilities: Fire resistance, walk on lava.
Recipe: 6 Redstones + 1 Gold Nugget + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Moon Pet (ID: 4057):
Eats: Ghast Tears
Abilities: Use item to reverse the gravity (causes mobs to fly / drop from the sky)
Recipe: 7 Nether Quartz + 1 Ghast Tear + 1 Emerald + 1 Diamond
Mooshroom Pet (ID: 4013):
Eats: Red Mushroom
Abilities: Got a similar use to bonemeal (enhances the growth of plants). Keep an empty bowl in your inventory to get mushroom stew.
Recipe: 3 Redstones + 1 Red Mushroom + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot + 3 Iron Nuggets
Creeper Pet (ID: 4019):
Eats: Gunpowder
Abilities: Use item to cause explosion (1-2 seconds temporary damage) (3 uses, costs 1 Gunpowder to reload)
Recipe: 6 Emerald Nuggets + 1 Gunpowder + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Blaze Pet (ID: 4022):
Eats: Nether Quartz
Abilities: Use item to set enemy on fire. Strength potion effect.
Recipe: 6 Gold Nuggets + 1 Nether Quartz + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Cow Pet (ID: 4007):
Eats: Wheat
Abilities: Removes negative potion effects and regenerates hunger. Keep an empty bucket in your inventory to get some milk. Pet must be eat!
Recipe: 3 Coal Nuggets + 3 Iron Nuggets + 1 Wheat + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Pig Pet (ID: 4009):
Eats: Carrots
Abilities: Feed it carrots and get raw porkchop in return.
Recipe: 6 Redstones + 1 Carrot + 1 Diamond + 1 Gold Ingot
Install Guide:
1. Download the mod files below (InventoryPets.modpkg).
2. Use BlockLauncher to install the mod file (InventoryPets.modpkg).
3. Restart BlockLauncher.
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